Thursday, March 1, 2007

Module 1Tasks - FTP


So FTP most people know about. I know of it myself from loading web pages onto the internet. There are alot of things i don't know about it, as all i wanted to do when i used it was to get my page up and running. Unfortunately i ended up removing it cos i didn't like it and never spent time on updating it.

So moving through my learning's on FTP has been very rewarding for myself and i feel that things make a lot more sense on how it works.

Wikipedia describes FTP as this:


FTP or File Transfer Protocol is used to connect two computers over the Internet so that the user of one computer can transfer files and perform file commands on the other computer."

So here are my findings with the task:


The readme file, wasn't that hard to find.

The answer to all our questions ^^

In closing FTP is a major part of our internet use. Mainly used behind the scenes and most commonly used for the uploading of a website to the internet. FTP can have many uses and cant wait to exploit them all.

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